Lauren Monzón | Co-Founder, Game Designer, Lead Producer

To advance Levels & Bosses experimental gameplay and computer-graphic techniques, in 2021 Monzón co-founded Miami’s first arthouse videogame studio, Otro Inventario, with Leo Castañeda. Monzón brings ten years of experience scaling film festivals and cultural organizations such as Third Horizon, raising over $5 million for Miami startup cultural institutions through foundation, governmental, and corporate partnerships including Ford Foundation, Sundance Institute, Kickstarter, Time Warner, Vimeo, Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, Florida Department of State, Miami-Dade County Department of Cultural Affairs, National Endowment for the Humanities. Monzón draws on over seven years producing key Miami independent films that have gone on to premiere at Sundance, screen at MoMA, win the Golden Bear at the Berlinale, and secure distribution from Criterion Collection. As a game developer, her work creating participatory-budgeting games was featured at the 2022 Allied Media Conference with Restoring The Future.