
Levels and Bosses is an episodic PC game and transmedia experience that invites players on a neo-primordial quest across timelines to adapt the aftermath of a catacylsmic implosion. Traversing surreal sci-fi worlds where all landscapes, entities, and technology share sentience, players use a broad range of interdependent abilities such as camouflage, vibrational-touch terraforming, and electromagnetic communication to upend traditional archetypes of game “bosses/adversaries'' in adventure genres.Solve nonlinear environmental puzzles with emergent gameplay and craft cooperative strategies with posthuman species, while experiencing transformational battles and encounters.


Leo Castaneda | Co-Founder, Game & Art Director

Daniel Sabio (The Glad Scientist) | Lead Software Engineer

Gwen Lofman | Original Programming

Tom Tuna

Juli Castañeda/
Feedock | Wearables

Eric Cloutier | Furniture Fabrication

Edny Jean-Joseph | Graphic Design Consultant

Lauren  Monzón | Co-Founder, Game Designer, Lead Producer

Jaime Soto Kure | Associate Programmer

Victor Gamboa | Sound Designer

Trngs | Soundtrack

Sabrina Linars | Production Technician

Noah Garcia (Studio Shell) | Web Developer

Brittany Ballinger | Graphic Design Consultant

Reinier Gamboa | Mural Support

Advisors:  Liliana Patiño. Levy Castañeda, Diego Berta (Magic Leap), Daniel Humberto Ocariz (Marcum LLP), Sage Crump (Emergent Strategy Ideation Institute)