
Otro Inventario is an arthouse video game studio based in Miami, FL. We use principles of sustainability and interdependence to expand interaction and worldbuilding possibilities in video games and gaming communities.

Projects + Games

Jardin Oculto

Otro Inventario’s first game, released in 2020, and produced with support from El Museo de la Tertulia. Players use sustainable resources to feed sculptural seeds and grow beings throughout a morphing, amphibious environment. Maintain a mutualistic balance between external and internal growth by drawing upon water, light, and nurturing so that the full landscape proliferates.

Levels & Bosses

Levels and Bosses is an episodic PC game and transmedia experience that invites players on a neo-primordial quest across timelines to adapt the aftermath of a catacylsmic implosion. Traversing surreal sci-fi worlds where all landscapes, entities, and technology share sentience, players use a broad range of interdependent abilities such as camouflage, vibrational-touch terraforming, and electromagnetic communication to upend traditional archetypes of game “bosses/adversaries'' in adventure genres.Solve nonlinear environmental puzzles with emergent gameplay and craft cooperative strategies with posthuman species, while experiencing transformational battles and encounters.


Jaime Soto Kure | Associate Programmer


Victor Gamboa | Sound Designer


Gwen Lofman | Original Programming


Edny Jean-Joseph | Graphic Design Consultant


Juli Castañeda/Feedock | Wearables


Eric Cloutier | Furniture Fabrication


Noah Garcia | Web Developer

Educator, Technologist, Architect, and Civic Advocate

Brittany Ballinger | Graphic Design Consultant


Reinier Gamboa | Mural Support


Milly Cohen | Production Technician


Trngs | Soundtrack


Tom Tuna


Irene Rodriguez | Vocals in Sound Effects


JD SWIFT - 12:21 and 25:36 courtesy of Psychic Liberation



Liliana Patiño. Levy Castañeda, Diego Berta (Magic Leap), Daniel Humberto Ocariz (Marcum LLP), Sage Crump (Emergent Strategy Ideation Institute)